Sunday, April 1, 2012

Embracing Life

I have been so blessed during my visits and photography sessions with cancer survivors. Maybe it's because they've come so close to losing live that they embrace life with such a passion. It makes me aware how blessed I am to be a survivor. It's been a factor in the work the Lord has been doing in my own life recently. The lessons about which I've blogged and which I wrote in my book nearly 20 years ago are becoming more and more a part of me, more and more real to me.

We are made to love God. He is willing to be loved by us. He is, and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

Life is made up of both good and bad. Some people resist this as best they can with avoidance or denial. Most accept it. It is those who embrace this truth that are able to truly know overwhelming victory in all things. If we truly embrace both the good and the bad of life, we can win. How do you embrace the bad? You know that God is, and that He cares for you, and that He is using all things to mold us into the image of Christ and to bring glory to Himself. You know that He is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted/tested/tried beyond what you are able, and will with the testing provide a way of escape (1 Cor. 1:9, 10:13). You die to self and your own desires, cease from your own laborious efforts, and rest in Him - a 24/7 perpetual Sabbath rest (Hebrews 4:9-11). You don't settle for the relief, the diversions, the so-called solutions that the world offers. You make knowing Him your first priority. Ultimately, you thank Him. Thank Him for all things (Ephesians 5:20) - both the good and the bad, because you know, and you know beyond any doubt, that He is doing the two things you want most in all the world, in all of life - He is bring glory to Himself, and He is molding you into the image of Christ.

Embrace Him. Then embrace life. Embrace the fact that life has both good and bad - both are used by God. It isn't that He causes the bad, all though He's willing to accept the blame when we're still working through it all and feel like blaming Him. In reality, it is how He makes Satan of no effect. Evil doesn't happen because the evil one feels like being a malicious little imp and inflicting pain on you. It happens because the evil one sees you as dust, and wants to make you see yourself as dust - of no value to God or man, and to make you ultimately reject God. When you embrace the good and the bad and allow God to use all things for His glory and to use all things to mold you into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), you are dying to self, embracing the cross and the power of the resurrection and Satan is made of no effect (Heb. 2:14).

Why did I become a photographer? Why did I have cancer? Why anything? I'm not sure "why?" is the right question? I'm not even sure "How are You going to use this?" is the right question. Actually, I'm thinking a question is not needed. I'm thinking it's more like:
"Wow! This is awesome. Look what God has done! He's done great things for me. He's using my battle with cancer to help make me the man He's always wanted me to be. He's creating new abilities in me. He's creating new vision, new passion."

Whether I live another 30 or 40 years, or 3 or 4 years - I'm alive, with a God who loves me and makes Himself available to me. I can hear the wind blowing outside. Feel the gentle breeze through the screen door. Smell the grass and trees, with a little hint of skunk. I can feel the warmth of my wife's embrace; see all the things she does to help me through life's challenges. She's an amazing partner, a gift from God. I can see the joy in my grand daughter's eyes, hear the joy in her voice as she shouts, "Papa!" and runs to me. I can feel the tightness of her hug as she squeezes me around the neck. I can feel her joy and enthusiasm and love as she delights in my love as much as I do in hers. May my heavenly Father sense my delight in Him, and may we all know more intimately His delight in us.