Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Why Is Giving Thanks Important?

Why would I say it's the key to victory? They cynic would say it sounds like a way to overstate the importance of a message to increase the likelihood people will believe it. But consider Romans 1:18-32. This is a classic passage for teaching about the wrath of God and the sins that men fall into. It's also one of those passages that mentions giving thanks, in which giving thanks is usually glossed over and ignored. If you're like me, you've probably heard sermons on most of the passages I listed that talk about giving thanks. I can't recall a single time I heard one in which giving thanks was emphasized or even really dealt with beyond just a brief reference. It's as though we think: "That doesn't really fit here, but since it's mentioned, I'll mention it too, but I don't want to distract from the real message of the text." I submit that in many of these passages, it is a significant part of the real message!

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.... For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." The implication seems to be that if men looked at the beauty of the world around them, all its intricacies, all its detail, and recognized it as evidence of the creator God, and worshiped Him as God, they would be saved. Instead, even though they could have, no man apparently has. Instead, they began to speculate about what all this meant, where it all came from. They professed themselves to be wise, and became fools with darkened hearts. They went on to trade the glory of God for darkness, and instead of worshiping eternal God, they worshiped temporal man, animals, and other parts of creation--none of which will last, and none of which can save. But look at the verse that describes this transition: "For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give thanks" (vs 21 emphasis mine). From there they proceeded into speculation and darkness, hardness of heart, worship of creation, and all the sins that follow through the end of the chapter. Not being thankful is where they lost it.

Not giving thanks is the turning point! Why? Because giving thanks is the ultimate expression of our faith! Think about it.

If God really is, what does that mean? What is He? What is He capable of? What has He done? What has He promised? According to scripture, He is love. He is all powerful. He is righteous and holy, but not unapproachable. He seeks relationship with man - fellowship, joyful relationship, not cruel domination and subservience. He adopts us as sons and daughters and makes us joint heirs with His only begotten Son! He provides us His righteousness and holiness not on the basis of our works but on the basis of His love and the work of His Son on our behalf. He doesn't force us to live in a way that qualifies us for this inheritance, but He qualifies us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light (not darkness). He works to build in us godly character. Our maturity is His job not ours. He is totally on our side! Look at creation! Look at the beauty with which He's surrounded us! Why? Because He loves us. Consider the marriage relationship. Why does it give so much pleasure? He could have made us like the trees. Men could blow pollen out of the tops of their heads and women could have pollen receptors in theirs - it could be totally random and impersonal and we still could effectively procreate. He made us so that the experience would be very personal and intimate and pleasureful. He didn't have to. He wants good things for us! It's just that there isn't any "gooder" thing than Him! Don't you see, Christianity isn't about rules and laws to limit us and squash us and hold us down. It's about embracing a relationship with a living, loving eternal God and not settling for anything less! Wow! Thank You, God!            ..... and that's where it starts.

If God truly is God, He can be trusted. If He can be trusted, we can and should thank Him for all that He does and all that He allows. If we really believe in Him, we will want a relationship with Him. He wants one with us! Wow. That makes it easier. How hard is it to be friends with someone who doesn't give a rip about you? God loves you! He wants a relationship with you! Thank you, Lord.

And, the way you get in is the way you go on!  He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it! This same God, who put everything in place from the foundation of the world to bring about your relationship with Him through Christ Jesus is doing everything to maintain that relationship and keep you holy and righteous and growing and learning and maturing. The new (as in never existed before) man that you became at salvation is being renewed (renovated, as in existed, but not to its full potential) according to the image of the One who create him (Col.3:10) from the moment you were saved throughout your life. God not only is, but He is a rewarder of those who seek Him! Wow! Thank you, God!

Giving thanks is the natural, spontaneous response to believing the incredible truth about God.
Giving thanks expresses your faith (believing) in these truths and in Him.
If you believe (faith) - If you "faith" that He is using everything (all things) in your life to bring honor to Him and to mold you into the image of Christ, that is the beginning of faithing that He is trustworthy, faithful, truly caring - a rewarder. If you know that He is using this (whatever your "this" is) to accomplish His will in your life, you can trust Him and even thank Him for it. To say thank you when I was diagnosed with cancer was the best way I could think of to say: "God, I really trust you in this situation. I don't know the outcome of it in terms of my life and health, but I know you will use it to make me more like Christ. And you will use it in the lives of my family and friends who are affected by my having cancer to do the same in their lives. I can't think of anything I want more. So I trust you, and I thank you." Did I feel that way every day throughout my cancer treatment? No. Radiation & chemo can be kind of rough on you. Did I say that every day? Can't say for sure that I did, probably not. But overall, I knew it to be true, and I held on to that truth, and it saw me through. Have I said it everyday since as we've dealt with the impact of having cancer on our finances and on my business? No. Frankly, it's been even harder to maintain that attitude dealing with those situations than it was dealing with the cancer itself. But it's still true, and the months of dealing with it have convinced me with even greater passion - God is, and He is a rewarder. God is using this to make me more like Christ. He is using it to take me into a deeper relationship with Him, and to strip away the stuff of earth that I would settle for when I could instead be enjoying Him! Wow! Thank you, God.

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