Sunday, March 13, 2011

God! Why?!

"Why?" is usually the first question out of our mouths when something bad happens.   When we feel devastated, hurt, confused - we want to know why. 
What am I supposed to learn through this? 
I just don't understand why all this is happening to me! 
Why did my wife leave me and the kids? 
Why is my child living a life of sin? 
Why does my husband drink so much? 
Why was I abused as a child? 
Cancer? Me? Why, Lord!?!
God! Don't you care? I though you were a loving God?!

God's word seems to set forth some very clear guidelines to answer these questions.  Maybe I'm being too simplistic about this.  Then again, maybe being "simplistic" is just exercising the "faith of a child" to which He has called us.  Maybe it is time the body of Christ "simply" accepted what God is doing.  Or just maybe, we have failed to realize that God really is doing something!  I suspect that we do not really believe that God is active.  As we look at the world around us, we see only that which is obvious to our senses, and much of it is not so good.  We know man was created to have dominion over the earth.  We have come to accept that we forfeited that dominion to Satan in the fall of Adam & Eve, and that we do not yet see all things under his (man's) feet (Heb.2:8).  Unfortunately we stop there, and miss the wonderful victory offered in the verses that follow.

In addition, we tend to compartmentalize our lives and separate the spiritual from the everyday.  In fact, we look at the everyday stuff as the "real" world and the spiritual as, well, spiritual stuff - it's kind of nice, and we know it's important, but we're not really sure what to do with it.  Further, we separate spiritual truths about what God has done for us, and will do in and through us, and about spiritual growth and maturity from practical application and ministry (in other words how to live in the "real world").  Even when churches teach both, they seem to separate them.  We talk about the cross, denying yourself, resting in the Lord, faith, etc.  That's one aspect of the Christian life and it goes in this box over here.  Then we talk about ministry, witnessing, discipleship, prayer and other aspects of the Christian life as a completely separate line of teaching.  And never the two shall meet!

Fact is, in my opinion, the "spiritual" stuff is the foundation, the motivation and the power for accomplishing the practical.  That's what Paul meant when he said he only preached "Jesus Christ, and Him crucified."  He wasn't saying he preached nothing but evangelistic messages.  He was teaching that the cross of Jesus Christ has implications for all of the Christian life.  As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.  The way you get in is the way you go on!  The cross of Jesus is the power (the ability, the inherent capabilities) of God Himself released in those who are being saved.


  1. Key words "Being Saved" a moment by moment process.

  2. This is much better, Rick. Thanks.

    Very nice writing. Soulful and much depth! I totally related to what you said.


  3. Thanks for calling the log-in problem to my attention Irene. Glad I could get it fixed. & thanx for the feedback on the writing, too.
