Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Knowing Him

Okay, so here's where it gets fun - sort of.  We can wrap our brains around the idea of counting all the "good" stuff in our lives as loss if it's getting in the way of knowing God.  But go beyond this.  Go beyond the things you count as gain.  Paul says, "More than that, I count all things to be loss for the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."

We think in terms of:  "My divorce was a tremendous loss!"  Or, "My business failure and the resulting financial disaster was an immense loss!"  Or, "My illness not only made me physically weak, it was a loss of time and money!"

Listen deeper.  "Count all things to be loss for the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."  If you are looking at the loss you experienced, and mourning it and grieving over it, you are still valuing what you lost.  Count that loss itself, the very experience of it, as loss, for the surpassing value of knowing Christ.  Let your experiences, good or bad, gain or loss, all result in your receiving the greater benefit of knowing Him.

No, I'm not saying stifle your emotions.  I'm not saying it is a sin to grieve over a loss.  You will!  You're human, and you were created with emotions.  You need to grieve over things that hurt.  Feel your hurt.  But don't live there.  Don't stay there forever.  At some point, let your hurt cause you to let go of this world of temporary things a little more, and cling to Him.  "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us."

ALL things in life - good or bad - anything that we just keep holding onto that interferes with our holding onto Him - we need to learn to let go.  If we will learn to count both our gains and our losses to be loss for the surpassing value of knowing Him, nothing the enemy throws at us can have a lasting effect on us.  This is what Hebrews 2:14 is referring to when it says Jesus' death on the cross rendered the devil powerless.  The word translated "powerless" in that verse literally means "of no effect."  Not only did Jesus' resurrection overcome death, it made Satan of no effect.  It's like working all day on a task and getting no results.  It would be like pushing your lawn mower all over your yard, motor running, blade spinning, but not cutting any grass.  Or more familiar to most of us, like working for a couple of hours entering something on your computer and closing the program without ever saving your work.  You did the work, but there are no results.  You gotta realize Satan doesn't cause sickness, broken relationships, or wars, or tsunamis or anything else just for the sake of inflicting pain and suffering.  His purpose is to interfere with man's relationship with God - with your relationship with God.  When our focus is on knowing Christ Jesus, and we count all things as loss anyway, even the things the enemy throws at us will result in our knowing Christ.  The results he was seeking to accomplish will never happen!  It's makes Satan of no effect.  This is the crucified life in practical application.  This is being crucified with Christ. 

In my book, which this blog is based on, I share more insights that work together to help not only make this easier to accept, but also show how to do it.  (I almost said easier to do, but it really is easier said than done).  Over time, I'll share more of that here as well.  At this stage, a lot of the ideas are foundational.  Knowing Him definitely a foundational principle for Christian living.  It should be our top priority, and nothing is of greater value.  The amazingly wonderful thing is, God is willing to be known by us!  He is.  He exists.  And, He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

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